LGBTQ-Egalitarian Shacharit • July 6

It has already become a tradition throughout the past years that at the Budapest Pride Festival three egalitarian Jewish communities jointly hold a Shabbat morning service to declare support for the LGBTQ community. We stick to it in 2019 as well. The service is public and open for the Jewish and LGBTQ communities and all their friends.
Prayer will be led by Adam Schonberger.
D’var Torah will be delivered by Rabbi Katalin Kelemen of Sim Shalom Progressive Jewish Community

Where?: Bálint Ház
When? 10.30 am, July 6, 2018

Men attending are kindly requested to don kippahs, all participants are encouraged to do so.

The event is supported by the Bálint Ház, Congregation Bét Orim Hitközség, the Dor Hadas Budapest Community, the Sim Shalom Progressive Jewish Community, the Haver Informal Jewish Educational Foundation and Mozaik Hub.


Cover photo by Mindenki Joga Radio Show

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